Graphite is 100% built by volunteers. Get involved in the effort to bring great, free creative software to the world.
Code contributions
Editor team
The Graphite editor is built much like a game engine, split across user interface application tooling and a renderer with nodes implementing an assortment of graphics algorithms.
Graphene team
Graphene is a programming language, interpreter, and runtime environment built upon Rust which enables Graphite artwork to compile to executable programs for fast rendering.
Creative contributions

Assign yourself the "🙌 Interested in helping with art or marketing" role in the #welcome Discord channel. Then mention your experience and how you'd like to help in the #introductions channel.
Art team
Use your artistic talents to conceptualize and produce high-quality open art projects published by the Graphite project to stress-test and showcase the editor's capabilities.
Marketing team
Help write, edit, and design content for this website, social media, newsletters, blog posts, user manual pages, videos, fundraising campaigns, press releases, and industry outreach.
User contributions

Assign yourself the "🐒 Volunteer to get pinged regularly for QA testing" or "🤖 Interested in contributing code" roles in the #welcome Discord channel. In the latter case, drop by the #development channel to get advice writing your first node.
QA team
Get familiar with the ins-and-outs of the editor and respond actively to developer requests on a recurring basis to test out new features and find bugs and breakages.
Nodes team
Explore and push the limits of the node graph with complex procedural designs. Report your findings about limitations, opportunities, and use cases to help in designing new nodes.